We are back and welcome 2021!

December was a month of changes for me. So I decided to take a little time off to get refreshed and rested so that this new year of 2021 can be a special year.

My plan is to continue sharing keto recipes through my blog so that you might see how easy Keto is to do and maintain. Food is so important in our lives. I have discovered how food can affect our moods and our joints.

Did you know that too much processed sugar can affect your moods? Processed sugar is not good for you. So if you only make one change in 2021 change from processed sugar to Monk fruit, Swerve or Erythritol. That one change can make a huge difference in your life and these are used one to one for regular sugar.

Second change would be to lower the number of grams of carbohydrates you consume each day. This has made a huge change in my life by taking away all my joint pain. I’ve taken a few months off during Covid to ease carbs back into my life. I can definitely feel the difference in the way that I feel.

So I’m just like you and getting back into the swing of things with Keto. Feel free to try our recipes and to share them with friends.

I will take the next three days to take most of the carbs back out of my diet so I can get back to a keto lifestyle.

So come join us in our keto lifestyle and see if making a few little changes to your eating style don’t help you feel better.


Are you known for being a happy person? Or a crazy person? Or are you the one that everyone wants to go away because you’re so negative?

Happiness is something that is inside of you. We all have trials and tribulations that affect our lives – a death in the family, a divorce, loss of job, floods, hurricane, tornados and yes even a pandemic. Can you control any of those things? NO!

But you can control how you react to them! Though it may not be easy, we all have the power within us to take that situation and review it and find one good thing that can come out of it. Just like with this pandemic, one of the best things that I can think of to come out of it – is cleaner air! OMG it is amazing.

Plus I think by slowing down we have all had an opportunity to figure out some of the important things in our lives. It isn’t always having to be doing something or buying something. Sometimes it is to just take a minute and breathe!

Let the creative juices start flowing and see what you can come up with. Maybe you will be building your first garden or doing some handy work around the house for the first time in years, because you have time. Maybe its pulling out the sewing machine to make clothes or masks!

We have to learn to be happy with whatever our circumstances and then if we don’t like those circumstances change them. You are in control and you have the power within you to make those changes.

I challenge you today to be happy in your own skin, with your own family and with your sate of mind. Make HAPPINESS HAPPEN TODAY!

Disposition vs circumstances!

“I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.” Martha Washington

There are a lot of people out there who can’t understand why they are miserable and unhappy. You do know that you are what you think!

Thinking good things and happy thoughts means that you are happy. Thinking about all the negative things and being miserable just leads to more unhappiness and miserableness.

But guess what – you are the only one who can control that! You have to make you happy, and if you think you are a miserable person and unhappy – you can change that. It only takes a second.

I’ve been listening to the book “The Secret” on audible. i listen to it actually for about 15 minutes every morning before I get my day started. It reminds me that I control my own destiny when it comes to happiness and everything else in life.

It also lets me know that I am normal! We have over 60,000 thoughts a day. When you catch yourself thinking something negative or talking bad about someone – you have the choice to change your thinking and you can walk away. Pull yourself away from the conversation if possible. Or change the subject.

I try very hard to have an awesome attitude every day when I get up. About 95% of the time I can stay in that awesome attitude. Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy. An attitude of gratitude also helps. When you’re thankful for what you have in life – even if it’s just $10 extra in your pocket, you will be amazed at how that will help to change your attitude around.

One of the other things that I’ve been trying to do is to give more. Whether it is my time – making masks and donating to a local hospital or $5 to a homeless guy standing along the street or paying for the person’s meal behind me in line – it always makes me feel better that I was able to give something to someone else. You never know when that little bit of kindness can make someone else’s day be brighter.

My daughter once asked me why I gave a homeless person $5. She was concerned that they would use it for something they shouldn’t or that they were just taking advantage of me! My answer back was that – that is on them. I give because I can and because of how it makes me feel. Whatever their circumstances are – I don’t worry about it. I’ve done more for myself by giving than worrying what they are going to use it for.

So as we move through these changing times – stop and smell the roses, look at the things you already have and be grateful, be excited about life and what it has to offer you, bless others with a little gift, and live life to the fullest every day.

“The ultimate source of happiness is our mental attitude.” Dalai Lama

Are you too hard on yourself?

As we’ve gone through the last couple of weeks in our new state of “Shelter At Home”, have you been beating up on yourself because you aren’t sticking to your “lifestyle”?

I say don’t be too hard on yourself! We all have special challenges that we’ve been up against during this time. Challenges that we’ve never even thought of before. Home schooling children for the first time in our lives, working from home instead of at our office, dealing with kids that are home all the time, dealing with the hubby that is home all the time!!!!

So take my advice and do the best that you can with your meal prep and plan. I can say that I have done my meal prep, but when the stress has gone up, I’ve eaten pretty much whatever I wanted to. And I’m not beating myself up over it.

We may end up with a new normal after all this is over. So what is your new normal going to be? Let’s just take a few minutes and be grateful for the things we still have – Our ability to smile, our ability to say “thank you” to people who are on the front lines, thanking the truck drivers for risking their lives to make deliveries so we have food to eat.

I challenge you to sit down for 15 minutes in a quiet place and ask yourself what you can do to help out! It may only be to share your food with a family next door who has very little, or maybe it is making masks for the healthcare workers and your friends and family, or maybe it is just giving away a smile so someone else can feel hope.

Please do something for someone else today!!!! And stop beating yourself up for cheating on your lifestyle.

You are a gift to the world!

“No one else touches lives the same beautiful way you do. No one meets challenges with your extraordinary blend of talents, traits and problem-solving powers. No one can work your brand of magic. And no one is more special than irreplaceable, celebrate-able you.” Exerpt taken from Women’s World Magazine.

Are you still working? Or are you one of the millions that are laid off now with no job! Are the walls closing in on you? Are you fighting with the ones you love because you’re all together too much?

This poem above hit home with me. I am one of the lucky ones having not been laid off work, but I can say that sometimes the walls are closing in on me as well. I’ve been trying to get outside as much as possible on my days off. Weather has been beautiful and I’m an outdoor kind of girl.

Read the poem above over and over again until you believe what it is saying. Now more than ever you have to realize your worth because life as you knew it has changed. Even for us that are still working life has changed.

Celebrate the little things in life, a cup of coffee in the morning, sunshine in the sky, spring has come around, your kids are healthy or your aged parents are healthy!

Did you know that if you just smile to one person and look at them, they can only smile in return —- so give a smile away today. Make some cookies and share with the neighbors or take them to work and feed your fellow workers.

Enjoy this time for tomorrow will come and all will be different again. We will get back to being so busy we don’t have time to turn around. Learn to love the little things again and make your children smile! They grow up too fast and they leave home and start homes of their own. So learn to love yourself first, then everyone else receives the blessings of your love and care.

Stress getting you????

Our lives are so upside down right now, with “Shelter at Home Orders” and “6′ Distancing”, sometimes the last thing we want to thing about is our food.

More of us now than ever before are having to make choices for our health. Now just might be the best time in your life to start Keto. I have found over the last three years that it doesn’t take stress away, but it sure helps my head to deal with it better.

The reason for that is it clears the brain fog away and allows us to get healthy. I just got done reading an article about Rocco DiSpirto talking Keto Comfort Food (article from Woman’s World). Rocco has become a champion of Keto by developing low carb comfort food recipes to help someone stick to a low carb keto lifestyle.

Not only do you feel better physically, but also mentally, thus helping with dealing with stress at this time in our lives.

We’ve never lived in a time where we have had limits on travel and getting together with friends and family. And I hope we never experience this again in my lifetime. FaceTime, Marco Polo, Skype, Zoom, etc are all ways to help us get around not seeing people. They are all FREE as well so take advantage of them. This can help with stress as well.

Sometimes we just need to do things the old fashioned way – pick up the phone and call someone to hear their voice. It is amazing to me how many of us choose to just text instead of hearing someones voice. It really doesn’t take that much more time to sit and chat for a few minutes. It helps with stress because now you can sense in their voice how someone is holding up.

But seriously if you need comfort food, now’s the time to do a little research and realize that eating a low carb keto lifestyle isn’t that difficult and it’s really not that expensive. Plus for the most part there is always a great selection, because we don’t eat the junk food that everyone else eats.

Later in the week I’m going to post one of Rocco’s easy keto recipes. It is Keto Jalepeno poppers. Or if you’re like me and don’t like jalepeno’s that much you sub with the little orange and red and yellow sweet peppers.

So as we go through this time of challenge and change – grow a garden, ride a bike, go for a walk around the neighborhood, or learn to meditate. Do something you’re not used to doing because you’re so used to being busy all the time.

Stay safe and we’ll talk next week. Enjoy your time at home too – spring cleaning gives you such a sense of accomplishment. LOL.

Have a great week.